I had to make a half spherical sculpture for a uni project to go alongside my groups short film "And Then Came the Rain". This sculpture is going to hang up on the wall and have a video of the earth deteriorating projected onto it through a technique called projection mapping. I was in charge of the sculpture and how it was made and what it was made of. I ended up deciding to go with a chicken wire base with paper mache on top. For the frame of the sculpture I ended up using an old Swiss/medicine ball. We started by putting the chicken wire over the ball and wrapping it around until it made a sphere like shape. we then had to get some extra bits of wire and tie them down on it so the chicken wire kept its shape. we then proceeded to start covering it in layers of news paper. we were initially dipping the newspaper strait into the glue but we changed our technique to brushes as we found brushing the glue on the newspaper and sticking it on was a lot more efficient and less messy. after adding enough layers and letting it dry we then gave it a layer of plaster to get rid of the uneven surfaces. we then sanded it down and added a few layers of white paint. This was a really fun project to do and something I haven't done since i was a little kid! Would be more than happy to do another project like this again in the future :)
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